[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ave you ever wondered what is the best shoes to wear to be comfortable during exercise at the gym? What if the workout you are doing is Zumba and you need the right shoes for this? Exercise footwear must be carefully selected to enable an effective workout whether you are out for a jog or you are heading to the gym for an intense aerobic workout.


The dance exercise routines of Zumba require shoes that are comfortable, flexible, lightweight as well as sturdy.

Where can you get shoes that meet these and other criteria that are fit for the invigorating workout that has swept the globe?

You may find such shoes that are designed especially for this dancing aerobics on online stores like Amazon, or any sports and shoe store that offers the range of choices depending on your requirements.

What if you just decide to use your usual sneakers or gym shoes, wouldn’t that be enough for aerobic fitness programme?

Not if you want your feet to survive the stimulating workout routines that are typical of this dance-based exercise.  This hyper active aerobic fitness programme is a high impact routine consisting of dance moves that will make you sweat as you work out. Any shoes not designed for this heavy workout will soon wear down and would need replacement.  Certainly, you do not want to be replacing shoes too quickly just because they could not stand up to the rigorous of Zumba.


Buyer’s guides for choosing your best shoes for Zumba

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne of the first things you want in your fitness shoes is a flexible look and feel that are good for your feet. What that means is that these shoes must be light enough not to impede you during exercise, yet sturdy enough to bear the shock of the vigorous dance moves. As you consider flexibility, you must also check the material that is used to construct the shoes.  The material should allow your feet to breathe in the shoes and prevent sweating. No need to contend with foot odours when you use well designed Zumba shoes.

Ensure that the shoes actually fit.  Remember that there are different feet sizes and types and you must carefully select your shoes to fit your feet smugly.  Even if your normal shoe size is what it is, still check for an equivalent in fitness shoes as the sizing is known to be different for these shoes. In checking the size of your shoes you may want to consider comfort as well. Your aerobic shoes should not leave your feet blistered or sore after a workout.


Your dancing aerobic shoes should also support you during workouts.  Since Zumba is really a high tempo routine consisting of dance steps that involve turns, twists, and sudden stops, you will need a pair of workout shoes that will keep up with you and support your feet. Look out for how these shoes are made to support your ankles and cushion your soles. They should be able to support your movements without causing you to slip and fall, or twist your ankles.

Your feet need to be kept cool and sweat free during your aerobic dancing routine. Your shoes should therefore be designed to reduce or eliminate the collection of moisture and odour on your feet. The best Zumba shoes have been designed to eliminate foot odours that can be embarrassing in public.

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Click here for Popular Zumba Shoes Reviews

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e know that it required tremendous effort to filter out hundreds of Zumba sneakers available online; we take the pain by reviewing some of the most popular models and assists you to made a wise decision before adding your best shoes for Zumba into the shopping cart.


The origins of Zumba

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen Alberto “Beto” Cruz, a dancer and choreographer from Colombia forgot to take his aerobics tapes to class one day in 1990, his alternative music using Merengue and Salsa from his car sparked the beginnings of this amazing and hyper active dancing aerobic. Now Zumba, which is derived from the word in Spanish meaning to “buzz and move quickly” (like a bee), has rapidly become popular.  By 2013, it is reported that the dancing aerobic is being used by more than 14 million peoples in 125 countries around the globe.

This dancing aerobic waves continues to spread as its popularity grew and now almost in every major city or town gyms can be found that offer this dancing aerobic among their menu of exercise offerings.


Effectiveness of dancing aerobics

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his Latin American music + Aerobic exercise is a high impact routine that is designed to burn calories effectively using invigorating dance steps.  It is effective as a whole body workout that is energy intensive, meaning that you will use a lot of energy and burn fat.  If you desire to lose weight and keep a toned body then dancing aerobic is the workout that will bring these results. Your flexibility will also be improved and your core strengthened through the dancing aerobic exercise. This form of exercise also adds to the arsenal of high intensity aerobic exercises and typically persons can burn in excess of 360 calories in a class.  What this means for weight loss and body toning is that there will always be benefits derived from using Zumba as a form of workout to keep fit.

Part of dancing aerobic’s effectiveness as a form of exercise is the different ways in which this can be used to achieve the desired fitness results. You can do your routines at home using videos or interactive Zumba games. You can also participate in any of the numerous exercise sessions provided by your local gym. For a less intense routine, you may opt for the Aqua Zumba which is an alternative exercise form that is done in water and is for conditioning your heart and for general toning of your body.

To tighten your abdominal, arms and thighs you may choose the form of dance movement that uses free weights (small) and the toning stick. Even your children can benefit from a version of aerobic dance that is designed especially for them with music and dance moves that are appropriate for their age group.  You can therefore see how much you can benefit from using this effective exercise model to keep your body fit and your energy level up.

aqua zumba

Zumba’s elements 

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he music and dance that constitute Zumba is a combination of high energy, pulsating rhythms and beats of the Merengue, Salsa, Cumbia and Reggaeton.  Expect this to be a fast paced workout featuring the latest in these genres. This dance based exercise format is also meant to be fun and rejuvenating at the same time. Experienced and well trained instructors will take you through the paces with these music forms and you can bet that the results will be invigorating.  Of the musical forms used in this aerobic dance exercise, the Cumbia has been around the longest, while both Salsa and Merengue are staples of the Latin blends. Reggaeton which is the Latin version of a mix of Reggae and Hip Hop round out the core dance music the choreographers rely on for a typical workout.

In addition to these core music used for dance aerobic, instructors can also draw on other musical forms including Mambo, Samba, Flamenco and Hip Hop. With Zumba, fitness instructors can use discretion to select any other dance and music formats to incorporate in their routines. As a general rule though a typical exercise routine should consist of 75 percent Latin or World Beat and the remaining 25 percent may comprise of music chosen by the instructor.  This is to maintain the authenticity of Zumba’s Latin flavour.

Music as an element of Zumba is quite important and the core genres have established the dancing workout as a distinctive brand of aerobic exercise.  The dance steps are just as important an element of Zumba. The originator of this aerobic dance, Beto Perez, actually designed certain steps for this dance exercise which he named the “Beto Shuffle”.  Choreography used also consists of shakes, turns, twists and wiggles that are distinctive to that dance form. Although there are choreographed moves in aerobic dance, participants are also encouraged to improvise so that other steps or variations are often introduced.  The real aim of this exercise is to sweat off those calories rather than to get the dance moves correct.

The tempo in the dance workout is fast paced and upbeat and is often like a party atmosphere you would see at a dance club rather than what you would experience at the gym.  This fun way to exercise encourages participants to let loose and get fit.  Although the pace is high energy, there are also breaks in between which allows for catching the breath and rehydration.


[dropcap]Z[/dropcap]umba is an intensive aerobic exercise form that is both fun and invigorating at the same time.  Whatever your objectives, you may choose this dance based exercise to achieve the fitness results you want.  Although this is in fact an exercise routine, this special dance aerobic takes the stress out of exercise and allows you to have fun! Well trained and experienced instructors will work with you to achieve your fitness goals and all you will need is diligence to keep up with this high impact program.


The elements of this unique combination of aerobic movement, the music and dance, are what provide the distinctive flavour that is inspired by both classic and contemporary Latin beats. To get the most of your workouts however you must also pay attention to the type of shoes you use.  Make sure that your Zumba dance shoes are comfortable, sweat free, flexible yet sturdy.  Your feet will thank you for this.
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